Nos Chorégraphies 2024-2025  - Par cours - 1er trimestre



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Cette liste ne classe pas les Chorégraphies par difficulté mais correspond aux danses apprises ou revues dans chaque cours


Cours du mardi 10 septembre 2024


  1. My one and only
  2. Ab dancin in the country
  3. Country as can be
  4. Back to the start
  5. Road to Errogie
  6. Mamma dolly Jesus
  7. A bar song
  8. K Boy
  9. Fish in the sea
  10. See me nom
  11. Codigo
  12. Here we go
  13. Waterfall
  14. Hypnosis
  15. Miss Thang
  16. Gone West
  17. Wintergreen
  18. I got this too
  19. White Rose


Cours du mardi 17 septembre 2024


  1. My one and only
  2. Ab dancin in the country
  3. Country as can be
  4. I still fall for you
  5. A bar song
  6. Intoxicating
  7. Ez Sofia
  8. In that case
  9. Here we go
  10. Double Devil
  11. Til you can't
  12. Miss Thang
  13. Ghosted
  14. Disapearing tail light


Cours du mardi 24 septembre 2024


  1. My one and only
  2. Ab dancin in the country
  3. Country as can be
  4. I still fall for you
  5. Back to the start
  6. A bar song
  7. Intoxicating rob holley
  8. Ez Sofia
  9. Tippin it up
  10. In that case
  11. Driving in my car
  12. Ghosted


Cours du mardi 1er octobre 2024


  1. Intoxicating rob holley
  2. I still fall for you
  3. Love aint
  4. Lindi shuffle 1
  5. Country as can be
  6. Ez Sofia
  7. Tippin it up
  8. Fish in the sea
  9. Road to Errogie
  10. Mama and me
  11. Marching Home
  12. Driving in my car
  13. Dim the lights
  14. Ghosted
  15. Here we go
  16. Wonder
  17. Corn
  18. Miss Thang
  19. Around the fire


Cours du mardi 8 octobre 2024


  1. Love Ain't
  2. Intoxicating rob holley
  3. I still fall for you
  4. Ain't coming home
  5. Lindi shuffle 1
  6. Ez Sofia
  7. Tippin it up
  8. New York Girl
  9. Fish in the sea
  10. Mama and me
  11. Whiskey on the shelf
  12. Driving in my car
  13. First meeting
  14. Cast the bronze
  15. A bar song
  16. Canadian dirt - noreen wall
  17. Chasing down a good time
  18. The south


Cours du mardi 15 octobre 2024 - Révisions -


  1. Love Ain't
  2. Intoxicating rob holley
  3. I still fall for you
  4. Ain't coming home
  5. My one and only
  6. AB dancing in tne country
  7. Country as can be
  8. Lindi shuffle 1
  9. La Chapelloise
  10. A bar song
  11. Ez Sofia
  12. Tippin it up
  13. Fish in the sea
  14. In that case
  15. Here we go
  16. Driving in my car
  17. Whiskey on the shelf
  18. Til' you can't
  19. Chasing down a good time
  20. Ghosted
  21. Wonder
  22. Miss thang
  23. Street called man


Cours du mardi  5 novembre 2024


  1. Love Ain't
  2. Intoxicating rob holley
  3. I still fall for you
  4. Ain't coming home
  5. Ab washed up in austin
  6. Country as can be
  7. AB dancing in tne country
  8. Homecoming hamilton
  9. In that case
  10. Cast the Bronze
  11. Here we go
  12. Summer fly
  13. Eyes on you
  14. Cabo san Lucas
  15. The south
  16. Damn love
  17. Miss thang
  18. Mama abd me
  19. 3 Tequila floor
  20. Nothing but you


Cours du mardi 12 novembre 2024


  1. Love Ain't
  2. AB dancing in tne country
  3. I still fall for you
  4. Ain't coming home
  5. Ab washed up in austin
  6. A bar song
  7. Tipping it up
  8. EZ Sofia
  9. Homecoming hamilton
  10. In that case
  11. Fish in the sea
  12. Driving in my car
  13. Cast the Bronze
  14. The card you gamble
  15. Irish boots


Cours du mardi 19 novembre 2024

  1. Ab washed up in austin
  2. I still fall for you
  3. A bar song
  4. Hurricane kiss
  5. Tipping it up
  6. Homecoming hamilton
  7. Road to Errogie
  8. Make some new love
  9. In that case
  10. The card you gamble
  11. My broken heart
  12. Til you can't
  13. Mama and me
  14.  Miss Thang
  15. Driving in my car


Cours du mardi 26 novembre 2024

  1. Ab washed up in austin
  2. I still fall for you
  3. Love ain't
  4. A bar song
  5. Hurricane kiss
  6. Intoxicating
  7. Ain't coming home
  8. Tipping it up
  9. Homecoming hamilton
  10. Road to Errogie
  11. Make some new love
  12. The card you gamble
  13. My broken heart
  14. Driving in my car
  15. Here we go
  16. Cast the bronze
  17. The south



Cours du mardi 3 décembre 2024

  1. Ab washed up in austin
  2. Hurricane kiss
  3. Back to the start
  4. Canadian dirt - noreen wall
  5. Intoxicating
  6. Homecoming
  7. Better than that
  8. Fish in the sea
  9. EZ Sofia
  10. In that case
  11. My broken heart
  12. Straight line (gallagher oreilly )
  13. Driving in my car
  14. Toes
  15. Cast the Bronze
  16. Ghosted
  17. See Ya Cecilia
  18. White Rose
  19. Caught in the act


Cours du mardi 10 décembre 2024

  1. Ab washed up in austin
  2. Hurricane kiss
  3. Ain't coming home
  4. Canadian dirt - noreen wall
  5. Homecoming
  6. Better than that
  7. A bar song
  8. Tippin it up
  9. My broken heart
  10. Straight line (gallagher oreilly )
  11. Cast the Bronze
  12. The card you gamble


Playliste de la soirée Noël

  1. Ab washed up in Austin
  2. Hurricane Kiss
  3. A bar song
  4. Double Devil
  5. Here we go
  6. Hypnosis
  7. Intoxicating
  8. Love Ain't
  9. Better than That
  10. Road to Errogie
  11. Driving in my car
  12. Til' you can't
  13. La Chapêlloise
  14. Straight Line
  15. See me now
  16. The Wanderer
  17. Back to the strat
  18. Canadian dirt
  19. K boy
  20. Make some new love
  21. Fish in the sea
  22. The card you gamble
  23. I still fall for you
  24. Homecoming
  25. In that case
  26. My broken heart
  27. Cast the bronze
  28. Ain't coming home
  29. Summer fly
  30. Ghosted
  31. White rose